API Docs

Macronutrient API

This is a sample macronutrient calculator built with Github Codespaces, ChatGPT, Claude AI, and v0 by Vercel. It also uses zod for query validation.


There's no authentication needed for this API, but usage will be limited by NextJS rate limits for the hobby plan.


GET /api/macros

Parameters (Query Strings)

agenumber (integer)Your age in years.Yes
heightnumber (float)Your height in inches.Yes
weightnumber (float)Your weight in pounds.Yes
genderstringYour gender, either "male" or "female".Yes
activityLevelstringYour activity level, one of: "sedentary", "light", "moderate", "active", "extra".Yes

Example Request

GET /api/macros?age=30&height=70&weight=175&gender=male&activityLevel=moderate

Example Response

  "message": {
    "bmi": 25.1096073620719,
    "calories": 2728,
    "protein": 175,
    "fats": 91,
    "carbs": 303
Error Response
  "error": [
    "age: Expected string, received null",
    "height: Height must be a number",
    "weight: Expected string, received null",
    "gender: Gender must be "male" or "female"",
    "activityLevel: Activity level must be one of sedentary, light, moderate, active, extra"